Fortune Williams Queens Car Accident Truck Tragic Accident Fortune Williams Death


"It was an extremely sad scene. I don't wish passing on no one and she was youthful," one more said.

The traveler in the BMW, 14-year-old Fortune Williams, was launched out and killed.

"I addressed her that evening at 6:04 and when I was hanging up she said, 'Mother, I love you,'" said Keisha Francis, the mother of the person in question.

Francis stated that Williams would frequently tell her how much she was loved. She had no idea that would be the final time.

Francis stated, "I cannot live without my Fortune, so I don't know what's gonna become of me after this."

Francis returned to the scene and discovered jewelry belonging to her daughter.

Williams was an understudy at Springfield Gardens Secondary School, taking nursing classes with a fantasy about turning into a specialist.

"She had an honor roll function on the 24th, and we were getting ready for that and her birthday is coming on June 4," Francis said. " She was into music. She wanted to move."

According to the police, a 16-year-old driver without a license was driving the BMW.

According to neighbors, they frequently observe drivers going too fast on that stretch of road.

"A lot. There's continuously something going down," one said.

"Many accidents," said another. It has been taking place for many years."

According to the Department of Transportation, the most recent fatality on that road occurred in 2018.

The crash on Wednesday night has not resulted in any arrests, according to the police, and the investigation is ongoing.

Both the 16-year-old driver and the UPS driver were taken to hospitals and are doing well. The semi truck driver was not harmed.


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